I kinda left something out so here ya go. My Pops and Vikki and everyone else rode to Fat Burgers. Cause, well that is what Vikki was craving lol. We they went in and got some that. Then we all headed back to the hotel. Me, Nikki, and my bro. Went to change clothing's. Y'all know that we had to hit a club a too. So, we all got dress and well. Our swagg was sooo craaaazy! My bro rocked on the dopiest hats. Let me just say that his swagger was most definitely on point! Dame, I wish could those pics of what we rock. But, sorry ya have to be our myspace friend to get those photos. We hit a club called the *The Highlands*. It took a while to find this club. It was not on the outside. It was like in doors and was on the 3rd level I do believe. I must say that it was most definitely on and poppin'. Seems like we were like the only African Americans in their. Along, with like many 2 more brothas. Their was nothing but, Asians in the building. But, they all seem to be cool peeps. Oh, for the note. Their was like this main dude that tried to be on me that whole the night. I was good though. Cause, my bro was right their by my side. He told me. "I am not worried bout that dude". Awe, I love my bro.

Time went on and well we were not finish partying. After we hit up the "Highlands". We went to this weird club called "Spider After Dark". Man, I am telling you now. PLEASE DO NOT go to that club in L.A. Their was not to long of a line. But, the bouncer some how noticed our swagg I guess. Cause, well. He let us in before else one else. I thought that was very nice of him. I promised we partied till 6 in the morning. Like Jermaine Durpi says lol. Anyway, that club was very very weird. The people all looked like something was just not right. So we ended up leaving. We did not stay their long at all. Now, I know that y'all would love to see what we had on. I have to say that we were swagged up. But, sorry. That is for my myspace friends only. That's it for now. But, Saturday gets even crazier. You'll see...
How could u forget!? Jackin my ish, you picture jacker!!! LOOOL!!! luv u though.
Saturday, Saturday, Saturday! Oh boooi Saturday!
LOL! shes going to know what im talking about, played with our emotions.
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