Yo! This dude Leo Velasquez is a stylist/barber. A young dude that is really doing big and major things in his life. And, he is one mad cool and down to earth individual. I have already blogged on him before. But, I have to show him more love. He most definitely deserves it! Stay humble my dude. My new BFF lol you know whats up. ;) Holla
Leo is brillant! there isnt much to really say about him. his image/spirit speaks for its self!
Leo was hard on my mind today. i was just admiring his magnificent style and i got on blogger and u blogged on him. we can read each others mind apparently!
okay, so im going to chnage my layout now and apparently you have already changed it without me letting u know what i was going to do and u are using the layout that i used when i first created blogger.
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