Tuesday, June 1, 2010

C- Milie AKA Christina Milian "STRAIGHT SWAG"

A few days ago I came across Christina's Twitter page. When I noticed this swagged up photo of her. We have not seen her in the music/acting world in a while. But, that's understandable. I mean she is a Mother/wife who has a beautiful daughter. This photo is all Angell Sharina. Ladies we can have a Tomboy swag about our style. I see that Christina Milian sure does. She still looks absolutely gorgeous after having a baby. Okay, from the jacket down to the sneakers. Nothing, but straight swag. Hey, if our dudes can thug out their swag. Shoot, we can too! Any who, this is a very laid back type of style. I'm going to find me a jacket like this that's on sale. I'm all about buying clothes at a very reasonable price. Well, that's all for now people. I'll be back real soon with my "Weasel Wacthin'" post. YES SIR! ;)


Anonymous said...

Thats sweet.

Angell Sharina said...

Thank u! :)