Well, as for today. I was hanging with my big sis Shannon and her best friend/sis Rose. First off. We went to Cracker Barrel for lunch. I ordered the roast beef dinner with a raspberry lemonade. It all was great too if I might say. After, that we all went to the mall. I kinda shopped I guess you can say. My big sis bought me a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. With a very cute purple short sleeve v-neck t-shirt to go with it. And, they were all on sale. Which, to me is a blessing. Cause, we got the jeans and t-shirt for a great price. Then I brought myself another pair of skinny jeans. I think that they fix me real cute LOL. I was not able to fine a pair of sneakers. So, I will have to keep looking for some that I like. I am kinda shopping for this Hollywood trip that I am about to go on. I only have one month to go whoa!!!! I am very excited about that. I am counting down the days.

Now, the most exciting part about my ladies night....As we chilled out @ our friends house and watched a movie...We watched a throw back called "School Daze" with Spike Lee and Lawrence Fishburne...Then out of know where we started talking about OUR Father God!!!! And, wow! When I tell you the spirit touched me. Well it did. We all just tuned out the movie and started thanking God for his blessing...Not going get too deep into...But, all I can say is...Thank you God for all that you have done for me, my family, and close friends!