I just wanted to show my bro, my dude, my homie some love. Man, I really don't know where to start. This man right here is #1 a M.O.G.! That is what I love about him the most. He has such a great in pact on my life. We are alot alike, and we have some of the same views about God and just life in general. Sorry, I can't get too deep into. Cause, well...I luv my bro LT soooooo much. We both have been through some very, very, hard times in our life's. But, hey. God has been with us through all of our pain and struggles. WoW! I just pray that GOD will continue to bless this mad cool and truly anointed dude's soul!!!! Ha, like our homie Ty Hodges told us last year on myspace LOL.
Oh, for the note. Big things are about to happen for you LT. We both see these curtain visions together. We both know and believe that through Christ all things are possible. So, y'all just be on the lookout for my dude LT!!! BIG THINGS FOR HIS FUTURE!!! Just wait and you will see what I am talking about. I Love you brother!!!
Peace and God bless!!!