I had to show the amazing and beautiful Yasmine some love. What I love and admire about her the most. Is the love that she has for our Father GOD. She is NOT afraid to speak of HIM in any way. I think that it is so amazing to see young people like her self. Give GOD all the glory and the praise. She is an actress. She has me and my bro LT's support to the fullest! I pray that GOD will continue to show her favor in her life! We both wish her nothing but, the best with all that she strives to accomplish! Keep up the hard work and continue to walk and profess in GOD. In this wonderful journey that you are taking. Many blessings to you and yours!!!!!
A. Sharina
this post was amazing....thank u for including me in it. that second photo is real dope
Thank you! Oh, its nothing. You know that I had to include you in this post. Cause, she said that OUR support is world wide. Wow! Thats amazing coming from Yasmine the W.O.G.! Yeah, it is. I love that photo!
yes world wide web is very huge!
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