Tuesday, September 15, 2009


                                 KANDE T.                                   

I wanted to take out the time to recognize Kande T. He is one handsome brotha if I may say. But, that is not the reason for this blog post. I am honoring/recoginzing the GOD that I feel in this man. That is what drew my brother and I to him. He is such an amazing motivator. I am sure that by him staying so humble and having faith in GOD. He will continue to go far in life. Kande keep doing what you are doing. Not, just your job on a daily basic. But, most definitely continue to stay on this path that you are on with our Father GOD. He will always and forever keep you on the right path. And, keep you in the right direction in your life. I wish you nothing but, the best Kande. God bless you dude!!!!

A. Sharina