Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ryan Leslie X Adidas Originals "When I Think About Love"

There really isn't too much for me to say about this post. But, skinny dudes are in!!! The Adidas hoodie that Ryan is rockin' is nothing but, LT. Ryan reminds me so much of my brotha in this ish! R-Les "Rock Wit It" Lol Oh, and the song is STR8 FIYYAH!!!


Anonymous said...

HAHA!!! YES!! R-Les does it yet again with the music and fashion! Thats my nykka!!!

So, i did some research on the hoodie and apparently it isnt in the USA to buy. I would have to order it from Europe!, so i saved the website until i get paid again next week. Its called a *Hoodie Flock Track Top (Black)*. Thats what R-Les has on in the vid! I will send u the mp3 to this too. I will DM u the song on twitta!

ahh!! Thats strickly L Tizzle 2 tha max! You're right! Everytime i do see R-Les I see myself! He has a heart like me, when it comes to giving too! Your blog is poppin!!! Keep up tha good work Ang!!! Your promotion for others is massive! dont forget what Les said about us in the future!!!!!

Angell Sharina said...

Yes, he sure did! Yep!!!

Wow Europe! Well, the "Hoodie Flock Top" is dope. Aww, preciate that!

Yes Sir it is! Yes he sure does. Aww, manz! Preciate that brotha! Thank u! I wont either!!!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha your welcome Miss B Soul!